This websites is Galway Harbour Company’s vision as to how it envisages the inner harbour lands being utilised in the future for the maximum benefit of Galway City and its citizens. It is the Harbour Company’s vision as opposed to a statutory plan.
The vision provides for a mixed-use urban quarter which will complement and support the dominant role of the city centre.
The uses proposed are predominantly residential and office/ employment, with a range of ancillary supporting uses such as hotel, leisure, cultural, multi-purpose public spaces and local services.
Our primary purpose is to set out a non-statutory framework for the redevelopment of the inner harbour lands.
Due to the significant area involved, the redevelopment of the entirety of the inner harbour lands is likely to extend over a period of time and, consequently, the use mix may be adjusted over time to reflect the city’s needs as the development takes place.
Galway Harbour Company is at an advanced stage of planning in respect of the relocation and extension of the existing port. The new port will be a modern, sustainable facility, well connected with Europe and beyond and with ready access to modern rail, motorway and telecommunication links. It will also enable the installation and service of offshore wind energy off the West Coast.
While some of the inner harbour lands could be developed in the short term, the development of the majority is dependent on a successful outcome to the current planning application for the new harbour extension. This permission will enable for the building of what is effectively a new port, beyond the existing Harbour Enterprise Park, thereby freeing up the entirety of the inner harbour lands for redevelopment.
This, in turn, provides an opportunity for the creation of a significant new urban quarter adjacent to the city centre and to the primary public transport bus and rail nodes. The potential contribution which a development of this scale, in such a central location, can make to the future of Galway city is enormous.
In addition to the provision of housing and places of employment, the redevelopment of the inner harbour lands will open up very extensive waterfront recreation areas and multi-function public spaces in the city centre. It will also continue the promenade-South Park waterfront ‘greenway’ from the Spanish Arch to Renmore. This framework, therefore, will result in a significant extension of the public realm within the city centre area.






New bicycle routes, public parks and amenities connecting Galway Harbour with the surrounding area